Here we see my best friend and cousin's daughter sweeping.

And here is my oldest daughter . . . sweeping (very quickly, as you can see by the blur!)

And my son - mopping up a storm . . .
What is going on, you might ask?
See if you can tell from these pictures . . .

Did ya figure it out? Well, if not, I'm going to tell you anyway . . .
My bestest buddy in the whole world (almost literally since were born) who also happens to be my cousin - MOVED IN DOWN THE STREET FROM ME! I AM SO EXCITED!!!

That's us in the front (and her older sister). I was almost in tears over the fact that my lifetime best friend would be nearby to laugh with, cry with, scream with, and all manner of other things with . . . I don't know if she has any idea how much I've missed having her close by. (not that we didn't talk on the phone and e-mail ALL THE TIME since I moved away from her.)
Anyway - It is a good week and I'm so thankful that things worked out the way they did. The only downside --- muscles I didn't know I had are still hurting from all the cleaning and moving this weekend . . . but it was worth it.
I can't wait for all of my new friends to meet my oldest friend - because I know everyone is going to love her as much as I always have!!
Welcome to the neighborhood, my dearest friend! :-)