Thursday, May 22, 2008

Guilty Pleasure

I admit it. I'm an American Idol Freak. I haven't watched it consistently for 7 years, but Hunkahubby and I have been pretty big fans since the end of Season 3.

So I just had to take the chance to say -

Congratulations David Cook! I've been rooting for him since the beginning. (My other favorites were Carly Smithson (awesome voice) and Amanda Overmyer (fellow Hoosier).)

I got choked up in the end, watching he and his family overcome with emotion. I think he is going to make some great music and I'm really looking forward to what he comes up with. I mean seriously, anyone who can turn Mariah Carey's "Always be my Baby" into a relevant hit for a guy . . . he's a winner in my book!


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